1 January 2020

New Year, same old shit?

First day of year 2020. While I'm writing these words, I'm still a little bit sleepy (nothing surprising, I got up just before noon, which is strange even for me). Music is playing in the background and a peach-scented candle is burning in my room. To be honest, nothing special.

Since yesterday, the internet has been going crazy. Everyone is summing up the year 2019, posting New Year's resolutions, making wishes, trying to predict how the future will look like... The cynic side of me keeps saying I shouldn't be very optimistic. The political situation isn't very promising, Earth is facing a climate apocalypse, patriarchy still exists, generally: 2019 was shitty and 2020 won't be better.

But global problems aside, personally I don't think 2019 was very bad. If I had to describe it with only one world, I would choose "crazy".

2019 started in a really horrible way: I fell sick on New Year's Eve and was on antibiotics for next several days (fun fact: I still have no bloody idea what sickness it actually was, neither know my doctors). Some time later, in February, my girlfriend broke up with me. However, after all this time I don't think it was that bad. We remained friends: my ex-girlfriend is an absolutely kind and adorable person and it's hard not to like her.

But the more into 2019, the better it get. I finally found the courage to quit studies I hated (bye, bye medical chemistry, I won't miss you!) and enrol to something else. Since October I've been officially studying history of art and, even if I sometimes complain about the shitload of work I have to do (the fact I tend to procrastinate while complaining about the shitload of work and then procrastinate while complaining about both the shitload of work and lack of time to do it doesn't help), I still love every single moment of it.

Also, 2019 is my first year as a Pokemon trainer and I have to say I'm doing greatly. I've already hit 36th level, caught many amazing Pokemon (including whole Eevee army – I don't joke, I have over one hundred of them) and discovered several interesting places in my city. To be honest, I've never thought playing "Pokemon GO" would give me so much joy.

2019 was also a year of discovering new music (according to Spotify, I started to listen to 160 artists. Pretty impressive, isn't it?), movies and manga (I've read whole "Franken Fran", "Deadman Wonderland", a lot of Junji Ito's stories and more). I've also got back to drawing, learnt epic pole dance figures, made progress in learning Japanese and, of course, became more active on web. In general, it was very busy year.

2019's end was great. When the clock stroke midnight, I was with my best friend. Marilyn Manson's "This Is The New Shit" was blasting in the background and we were having a lot of fun. We spent whole New Year's Eve watching movies, laughing at silly YouTubers and doing dumb personality tests like "How did your previous incarnation died?" (mine got killed in Chernobyl's catastrophe. I have to say, it's oddly appropriate). I loved it.

First day of year 2020. I want to wish you everything the best. May the beginning year be full of hope and love.
Happy New Year, sweethearts!

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