12 November 2021

Life OST: Lifting one's spirits

Hello, sweethearts!

I have no idea, when was the last time I did a "Life OST" episode. Still, there is so much music I want to share with you all!

This time I'm introducing songs that are uplifting. Before you ask "but what's the difference between this list and Numbing Emotional Pain one": the songs I listed in that episode didn't have to lift one's spirit. These are, either because of lyrics or the overall vibe. It's just hard not to smile while listening to them.

So, turn up the volume and let's go!

BlutEngel "Lebe deinen Traum"
I'll start with one of my favourites. "Lebe deinen Traum" is a very powerful song about how you can take your life in your own hands and live the way you really want. The narration about following your dreams and not looking back really speaks to me, matching my life philosophy quite well.
Apart from the meaning, "Lebe deine Traum" is also a very catchy tune with awesome vocals by both Ulrike and Chris. And have I mentioned how much I love German? This language is so goddamn sexy!

Cezar "It's My Life"
No one expected Romanian gay opera vampire here!
While indeed the lyrics may sound cheesy to some, there is something very uplifting in a song about loving someone so much you want to give this person your life, about how their love completes you. "Love is so bright, like a diamond in the light" sings Cezar and damn, he's right. Love truly is a beautiful thing.

I also love (lol) this song for how it sounds. Opera singing and dubstep go together really well and it's a shame so few artists exploit it.

The Crüxshadows "My Telescope"
There's something very soothing about the way "My Telescope" sounds. The pleasant music and Rogue's heavenly vocal never fail to make me feel better regardless of the situation. The lyrics have quite a nostalgic vibe – Rogue sings about fondly remembering someone, who once was very dear. There's just so much love in this piece it's hard not to smile.
I'll be honest: "My Telescope" is my absolute favourite from this album and almost favourite by this band (the most favourite is "Angelus Everlasting"... Which I could also put on this list, but it has already been in this series and I don't want to repeat songs).
Blind Channel "Another Sun"
An extremely powerful song (and I'm not talking only about the musical side) about overcoming hardships and hope. Especially hope. The chorus is my favourite part, I love the emotions in it, especially in the vocals.

Of course, I know that the "there's always the light in the dark" message may be cheesy and overused, but in this case it's the delivery what sells it. Blind Channel boys make music from the bottom of their hearts and let's be honest, I'm ready to believe while listening to this song that yes, it'll be better, yes, I'm strong. And that's what I love in this particular song – it really makes me believe.

BlutEngel "Fire in the Distance"
Two BlutEngel songs in one episode? Yeah, sure, why not?
At the first glance, the lyrics seem to be rather sad. "Where are your friends when you need them? Where are your lovers when you feel alone?" sings Chris and damn, you can feel the loneliness and helplessness. And then the chorus kicks in and it changes whole mood, bringing a lot of hope. Because this is what this song is about: hope. It promises that there's always place when you're welcome and loved, that there is this warm fire burning in the distance that just waits for you. And, similarly to the previous one, no matter what shit happens to you, you are strong enough to just move on and not look behind.

Isn't it a really uplifting message?

IAMX "Mile Deep Hollow"
Chris Corner. The epitome of grace and beauty with the saddest eyes in the music scene (like, really, every time I see him I just have this urge to hug him, stroke his hair and comfort him). And a wonderful musician with stunning vocal abilities, as demonstrated in this very song (the high notes, holy shit, the high notes!).

While previous two songs on this list were about hope and dealing with struggles, this one is about the aftermath. Chris sings about being finally at peace after various shit that happened and receiving help from people who love him. The latter is especially important. It makes us remember that we are never alone and others will help us up when we fall. Very comforting song.

Also, I love this MV. It's so aesthetic and atmospheric...
The Crüxshadows "Quicksilver"
Actually, The Crüxshadows have so many uplifting songs, the biggest problem is choosing. "Quicksilver" is my another favourite. The music is very energetic, it's hard to sit still while listening to it, you just want to move. I especially like how violins are incorporated among electronics – all songs by this band make amazing use of violins, but this one is exceptional.
Another thing I absolutely love is the vocal. As you have probably noticed, I adore Rogue's voice, he sounds like an angel. Here he sings about fighting back against all hardships and facing what is to come with hope. "The future belongs to the brave" indeed and it's hard not to be brave when you are motivated with such powerful music.
Fractal Dreamers "Fortuna Redux"
Can an instrumental piece be uplifting? Well, yes, especially this one. It isn't easy to describe, but listening to "Fortuna Redux" always fills me with a lot of warm feelings and happiness. The song is energetic, pleasant and, for some reason, very motivating. It may be the quick rhythm and catchy melody line. Such a lovely piece to listen when you need a cheer up!

My Friend Is a DJ feat. Eleanor Forte "Down The Dark Road"
An episode without vocaloid music? No way! (Okay, this is SynthV, not Vocaloid, but shhh).

While lyrics indeed are very uplifting, focusing on progressing our path of life without getting discouraged, it's the instrumentals that made me choose this piece. For some reason, the electronic melody line (especially the bridge between first two parts of vocals, that's my favourite) always makes me feel better and happier. There is something very light and warm in it, like a hug from a loved one. My Friend Is a DJ did a wonderful job here.

Miki Núñez "La Venda"
I think this song doesn't need any further comments besides the fact that I usually don't listen to stuff like that and yet I absolutely love this. Also, when Spain performed on Eurovision 2019, whole green room erupted into a big, happy conga line. Whole. Green room. How awesome is this?
−真天地開闢集団−ジグザグ "Promise"
Last but not least, a song that I've been listening a lot to for last several months. There's something very soothing and ethereal in it, especially the melody. ジグザグ really did their best here, making a piece that is both powerful and extremely comforting. And the vocals? Mikoto always sound wonderful, he has such warm voice, but here he had truly outdid himself. Gorgeous song, simply gorgeous.

And this concludes the list! I hope the songs here made you smile at least a little bit. And what songs do you listen to cheer yourself up?

See you next time (which will probably be after the Five Flavours Festival, I think I'll review at least a couple of films from there), sweethearts! Take care!