23 June 2019

Festival of love and joy (Eurovision 2019, part 1)

To be honest, I got interested in Eurovision only several years ago. My family has never liked this contest much, not to mention my country didn't use to participate annually. However, it took me only a while to totally sink in. It was love from the first sight: various songs, crazy performances, unique costumes... And love. So much love for music, for participants, for audience, just for everyone. I was just stunned, how people from different parts of the world can unite to have fun together. I think that's why I started to watch Eurovision Song Contest every year, I just can't get enough of love and joy.

This year wasn't an exception. I watched every single performance and voted in the final. Overall, ESC 2019 was one of the best, I enjoyed most of the songs. Of course, some are better, some are worse... I think it would be the best to talk (write?) about each of them individually.

I will start from the ones which didn't qualify to the final. Get ready for an awesome music trip!

So awesome!
41. Ireland: Sarah McTernan "22"

I have to admit Ireland had a lovely idea. Comic-like backgrounds, dancers' costumes and scenery at all gives this song cute vintage touch. It would be nostalgic... If I wasn't too young. But still, very enjoyable performance.

40. Austria: PÆNDA "Limits"

I'm pretty surprised how such a beautiful song can get such a low score. But this is how contests work, someone has to be at the bottom... Well, never mind. What really matters is PÆNDA's absolutely angelic voice. I also like the minimalistic stage, it's much easier to focus on the vocalist and the song itself.
To be honest, I have a thing for girls with short, colourful hair and for me PÆNDA is just as beautiful as her voice...
39. Finland: Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman "Look Away"

To be honest, I'm quite disappointed this song didn't enter the final. It's beautiful. I absolutely love the melody and instrumental (that electronics... Amazing). Sebastian's voice is also quite pleasurable to listen. But what I love the most is the performance itself. I couldn't stop watching the dancer, she practically made the show. And that moment when she started drowning... Wow. Just wow.

Also, an evidence I'm absolutely obsessed with this song (and why listening to music while catching pokemon is sometimes a bad idea).
I just ran out of flareon names...
38. Montenegro: D moll "Heaven"

Well... Seems that Montenegro decided to bring some Disney vibes: costumes, melody, instrumental, everything sounds like something from cheerful Disney cartoon. To be honest, I didn't like it. For me this song is too dull. Or maybe it just doesn't match my music taste...

37. Armenia: Srbuk "Walking Out"

This is not something I would listen to regularly, but from time to time – why not? Melody is very enjoyable, so is the performance. I like the usage of colours, red matches the mood very well. Also, it's easy to see that Srbuk (how should I pronounce this?) is really passionate while singing. And, to be honest, I love her hair.

By the way, is it just me, or this song would be perfect for "osu!"/"Tone Sphere"/any other rhythm game?

36. Latvia: Carousel "That Night"

Actually, I don't like the song, nor the performance. Similarly to Montenegro's entry, this one just bored me. However, the summer atmosphere invoked by singer's costume and melody is very pleasurable. Pity the song isn't more interesting...

35. Conan Osiris "Telemóveis"

Oh no, nononononoNO! I'm so sad this entry didn't make it to the final, even sadder than for "Look Away". "Telemóveis" is an amazing piece. I love this experimental sound, exotic touch, performers' perfect synchronization with music, even dancer's moves! However, I also understand why people didn't vote for it – sending such, um, unconventional songs for popular contests is quite risky... Still, such a pity it got so low place...

There is one thing that keeps puzzling me: what the hell got stuck to Conan's chin?!
34. Croatia: Roko "The Dream"

I was sure "The Dream" would be in the final! I was so sure... And now you know why I never make bets.

While it's probably impossible to beat the awesomeness of Croatia's 2017 entry, this song is a good example how to make an epic ESC performance. Also, they squeezed so many things I love in it. Post apocalyptic images? Check. Angels? Check. Artificial smoke? Check. Sudden language switch? Check. Lofty melody? Double check. If the singer or any of the dancers had long hair, it would be just perfect. Also, speaking about the appearance...

Roko is a spitting image of one of my high school classmates. No, really, even hairstyle is the same!
33. Georgia: Oto Nemsadze "Keep on Going"

Well, this is epic. Simply epic. I just loved this performance, especially visuals and Oto's passion. I also recommend checking meaning of the lyrics, they are wonderful. I can't understand, why such a wholesome performance didn't qualify to the final.

By the way, it somehow reminds me about last year's Danish entry...

32. Romania: Ester Peony "On a Sunday"

Another entry I love and was sure it would get into the final... This song is just great, Ester has one hell of mesmerising voice. And these high notes... Perfection. I also adore how gothic whole performance is, especially the costumes and visuals. However, pink flowers at the end feel a little bit odd... But the idea of putting them to add a glimpse of hope is quite nice.

31. Belgium: Eliot "Wake Up"

Or rather fall asleep. This song has really intriguing intro. I was waiting for being blasted with magnificent music... Three minutes passed and nothing happened. More, the drums are barely audible. To be honest, I feel "Wake Up" has little to no energy. Combine it with singer's performance (he sounds like he was very tired) and you get one of the most bland and boring entries. I even caught myself on observing this adorable drummer girl instead of focusing on the singer... Or the song at all.

30. Moldova: Anna Odobescu "Stay"

I've seen many original ideas during Eurovision, but sand drawing? Genius! I love how the pictures are connected with the song. Actually, the song itself is also quite nice. Nothing special, but pleasant to listen.

29. Lithuania Jurij Veklenko "Run with the Lions"

I have to say, it's rather generic Eurovision-like song... But is it bad? Jurij has nice, smooth vocal (especially high tones, they are amazing) and great charm. However, there is one, big flaw in this performance: where are the lions?

Simba is definitely not amused.
 28. Hungary: Joci Pápai "Az én apám"

Very warm performance and I don't mean the colours (which doesn't mean they stand out, gold looks great here). This song is so emotional it's hard not to feel it. You can hear how much Joci devoted himself to singing, listening to him is pure pleasure. And I have never thought Hungarian is such a beautiful language...

27. Poland: Tulia "Fire of Love (Pali się)"

Well, I have to confess something: I'm not this type of person, who is always proud of their country... And this performance hasn't changed it. I mean, goddammit, why did Poland send this song?! Okay, I understand the concept of promoting Polish folklore, but this time it failed so, SO much. Actually, the biggest problem of this song is it's totally unfitted for ESC. It seems like the entry was meant to mix Eurovisional greatness (hence visuals, spinning and strange costumes) with typical Polish way of being (this swaying looks like the band wasn't performing on biggest music festival in Europe but on local church fair) and, as a result, got stuck on a borderline fence. While I understand Polish folklore is a bitch when it comes to promoting it abroad – it's just too obscure and odd for western people – it is possible to make it more intelligible. For example, instead of Tulia, TVP could have chosen a band which utilises more, well, "normal" way of singing (consider the fact this particular one is meant to be performed outdoors, so on a stage is more like screaming than singing...). I don't believe I'm writing this, but even "My Słowianie" – while still pretty questionable – was a much better choice.

However, I understand why some people liked "Fire of Love (Pali się)". This particular entry is so outstanding in its bizarreness, it may become fascinating, similar way strange traditions of other countries are fascinating.

Another thing is Poland probably has no idea how to participate in ESC. I mean, we either take whole festival too seriously and send ballads, which are not bad, but too bland and completely unmemorable (yeah, "Flashlight", I'm looking at you!) or we send good songs, which are killed by horrible performance (Gromee is a very talented guy and "Light Me Up" would be amazing... If only we had hired a vocalist, who can. Sing. Fucking. HIGH NOTES!). Not to mention we have loads and loads of amazing artists, who would do great during ESC and still none of them is chosen...

This concludes first part of my ESC 2019 note. Stay tuned, because next time I will cover the final.

Image source:
Eurovision logo: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1084507939082289153/0QtkeVLl_400x400.jpg
PÆNDA's photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paenda#/media/File:PAENDA_profil_copyright_PatrickMuennich.jpg
Darude the Flareon: mine
"Telemóveis" photo: https://pix.eurovisionworld.com/pix/portugal-2019-conan-osiris-7.jpg
Roko's photo: https://eurovision.tv/image/8da0bac3-8a51-428a-b92c-d25e02cffbb6/hero.jpg
Not amused Simba: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110357/mediaviewer/rm3880151296 

19 June 2019